"Hold Onto Life" is Part Two in The Trilogy. It has a number of "Deja Vu" (flashback)and "Presque Vu" (preview) tracks which are cool variations on the originals. The tracks include: Without You Blues Are We Having Fun Yet? Hold Onto Life Escape From Death Row Missing Part (Reprise) Racetrack Rabbit Peter's Reply (Presque Vu) Daddy Is Not A Bad Word Most Dangerous Place Joy Ride Alexander Who Loves You? (Reprise) One True Love Song

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LISTEN HERE FOR A SAMPLE (Snippets of each song)                 


Thanks to:
Family and Friends for love and prayer support.
Those who pre-bought the album for trusting me.
Jesus, King of my heart, for courage, patience and vision.
> Strings by Sandra Rathbone and Dawn Sagonias (Violin); Rebecca Anderson and Shane O'Connor (Viola); Jill Nelson and April New (Cello)
> Saxophone by Linda Rice
> Party Animal Chorale was Tim Branton, Pam Daniels, Mike and Lisa Horn, Jeff and Linda Rice
> Doo-Wop Brothers were Johnny, Fig and JR
> Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboards, Arrangements, Engineering, Blah, blah, blah by John
> Cover Artwork by Jerry Hechler

Recorded, mixed and mastered at Salt Cellar Recording, a part of Salt Cellar Creations, Asheville, NC
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All songs ©1990 John R. Daniels