Professional Work isn't Cheap
Cheap Work isn't Professional
Charges for Arranging, Transcribing and Writing Original Pieces are all based on a number of things.
1. The number of minutes in a piece. Only the minutes I write are counted. If a section is repeated, the repeated music doesn't count. Also, if I can use certain sections in a number of places, the cost is reduced even more.
2. The density of the measures. Density means if there are lots of notes or not so many. It also refers to the sophistication of the chords (augmented, diminished, etc.)
3. The number of lines of music. That is, are there just a melody line with lyrics and chords, a string quintet or a full concert band?
4. The number of lines of lyrics.
5. Whether guitar chords are included.
There are a number of things to consider when determining the cost of a song.
1. What are the skill levels of the singers and accompanists? If they are competent beginners, the arrangement would be simpler, often using unison parts. If they are more advanced, the parts would be different and be more complex.
2. Does the arrangement include a piano/keys part with written notation? There are all sorts of keyboard players, and so, some choices for keyboard parts. I can write a part (simple or advanced) or the keys player could simply play from the guitar part as many do. That would reduce the number of lines that you would pay for.
3. How many different horn/string parts would sound good? If you had a dozen players all playing the same part, that would be a bit overpowering. A dozen players could be divided into two to four parts, depending on the song and the style you want.
4. How long is the song? Cost is determined by the length of newly written material in the song. If all the verses and chorus are virtually identical, then I would charge just for the first time I wrote them, not for any copy and pasting I did.
The only way to get a solid answer is to
Contact Me for a proper quote.
Also, I can offer “bulk discounts” if you order three or more songs at the same time. The discount would be from 10% to 40%, depending on the particulars of the song.