When My Alien Comes
A Very Unique Song About Jesus' Return

Watch When My Alien Comes.  This song might be a bit cryptic for some, so instead of just loading it to SoundCloud (you can still find it there, too), I made a simple video to explain the symbolism. I found some great pictures that mean more than just what you might see on the surface.

If you hear it, I played it or sang it. Some of the “Spacy Sounds” were created by accident while I was in college doing some ping-pong recording on two reel-to-reel recorders. It was real late and I ran the patch cords wrong somehow and got these cool sounds. The more percussive sounds are simply a super speeded up recording of piano arpeggios.

It's on the John Daniels - Special Edition - Part Two album. (Click to Purchase)

Here's a Print Sample of When My Alien Comes

Click Here to order the sheet music.