The General Process

Whether you need a transcription, arrangement, original composition or even a recording, the process is generally the same. Here's what to expect.

  1. When you first get in touch with me, we'll do an initial, FREE consultation. We'll discuss your project, what you're looking for and what I can provide. This will include all the services that you will need. For example - will you need me to do an arrangement and record a back-up track or do an arrangement and print parts for others to play?
  2. If we decide that Salt cellar Creations is a match for you, then I'll do a quote for you. You'll need to send me as much as you can for me to work with. This keeps your costs down. I'll also let you know which steps of the process will be available for you to approve. I try to make sure that the project doesn't go too far too fast; I want to be able to adjust as I go.
  3. Once I do your quote, I'll bill you for the down payment, one half of the cost, by PayPal Invoice. Once I get the down payment, I'll begin working on your project.
  4. At each stage, I will send an audio and/or printed (electronic sample / screen shot) sample for you to approve. Once you approve that step, it cannot be re-done without additional cost.  But, don't worry, it's easier than you might think.
  5. Once the project is finished, I will send a final audio and/or printed version for you to approve. These will be incomplete in some way. Sorry, I'm sure I can trust YOU, but some people would stiff me.
  6. Once you approve the final version, I will bill you for the balance, again by PayPal Invoice. IF I find that something went a lot smoother than I quoted, I will reduce you bill accordingly. I will NEVER ask for more than the quote, unless, during the approval process, you add something that would need to billed for.
  7. Once I receive the final payment, I will send your completed project by the method we had agreed on at the beginning.

If you want to get started right away, please Contact Me.