I can record your song, with vocals or solo instrument, or as a back-up track.


If you'd like a recording made of your transcription, arrangement or original song, I can do that. And, if you're close enough, you can come record in the studio.

My studio is equipped to do live recordings (live musicians, microphones, plugged-in guitars and keyboards), computer-created recording (music that’s played from the computer music-writing program) and a combination of the two.

I play a number of instruments including guitar (acoustic and electric), keyboard, electric bass, acoustic drums, trumpet, recorder and sundry rhythm instruments.

There are a LOT of options to consider when recording. They include whether to use computer based or live instruments, or both; what kind of sound you're looking for, etc. For that reason, we'll need to discuss those things and others before you decide.

If you haven’t already, take a listen to the different ways that I can record on the Music Samples Page.


Before you read this - Remember that these are examples. Please contact me for an accurate quote. The rates probably won’t change, but the application could save you a few bucks.

The rates are as follows:

$40 / hour to record you and/or your group in the studio.

$17 per finished minute of music for each track that I play.

For musicians that I would need to hire, they may accept the $17 per finished minute rate, or they may want more. We would need to determine what you wanted before I could give you a rate for outside musicians.

Computer-played material is included in the price of transcription or arrangement.

$40 / hour for mixing and mastering.

I’ve done a few samples for you. But, remember that these are just samples. Please contact me for a quote.

There are a number of ways to record.

FIRST WAY - Live recording of you / your group. This is the old school method. You come in, we set up mics and connect gear and you record. This is $40/ hour.

<> For example, you and a friend play and sing, let's say guitar and bass. You want to record a song. Because it's a relatively simple set-up, we could do it all at once. If you're well-prepared, the recording part could be as little as $40. We'll get to mixing and mastering later.

SECOND WAY – I record the tracks for you and you add the vocals or solo instrument. Whatever tracks I lay down for you are billed at $17 per finished minute of music for each track that I play. Remember that outside musicians may want more.

<> For example, for your song, I play guitar, keys, bass, drums and a solo keys part. Let's say it's a three minute song. That's five tracks (even if some are stereo tracks) - 5 x $17 = $85. 3 minutes’ worth - 3 x $85 = $255. Then, you add your vocals or solo instrument at $40 / hour. One song, one hour = $40. Total recording cost is $295. Remember, we've got to do some mixing and mastering yet, but don't sweat.

THIRD WAY - I do an arrangement of all, most or some of the instruments in your song on Finale Printmusic (computer music-writing program). It is recorded from the computer. There are variations on this method. Here are some basic variations.

<> If ALL of the instruments are from the Printmusic program, that's basically it. I will have added some effects to make it sound better and mastered it for your use. The cost would only include any transcription and/or arrangement that I did (recording the parts is included!).

<> If only most or some of the instruments came from the Printmusic program, then I could add the remaining instruments /vocals. The cost would include any transcription and/or arrangement that I did and $17 for each finished minute of recording. If I need to hire outside musicians (for example - a female vocalist or solo sax player), I would need to pass on that cost to you.

<> It's also possible for you to add some or all of the remaining instruments to the Printmusic recording. The cost then would include any transcription and/or arrangement that I did and $40 per hour for recording / mixing / mastering service.

<> Mixing and Mastering. Mixing is the process of combining all the recorded parts so that the levels are right and adding any effects. Mastering is the art of "polishing" the recording so that it sounds its best. I often combine the two steps, reducing time and cost. In my opinion, the mastering process, which usually makes the whole song the same volume, has been over-used so that a lot of the art of music has been reduced to a merely marketable commodity. If that is the kind of product you are interested in, I can do it for you. The combined process that I use produces a more musical product. Whichever way you choose is $40 / Hr.

Computer-played material is included in the price of transcription or arrangement.

There are minimal costs involved with burning a limited number of CDs for you, if you prefer that method of music storage.

FINAL WORD – Yes, it can be confusing. Please Contact Me for an accurate quote. I do my best to keep your recording as affordable for you as possible.