4 min read
11 Dec
How to Select Section Leaders for Your Choral Group

In a choral group of any kind, the roles of section leaders within each vocal part play a crucial role in shaping the overall quality and function of the ensemble. A choral director must be careful when choosing section leaders. It takes a very balanced and careful approach, considering both musical aptitude and leadership skills. The process goes beyond simply designating leadership roles in each section; it's about fostering an environment in which students can comfortable collaborate, one which maximizes the collective potential of the choir while recognizing and nurturing the strengths of individual singers. 

Assessment of Musical Proficiency 

1. Vocal Proficiency and Musical Skill
Selecting section leaders requires a complete evaluation of vocal skills, including pitch accuracy, tone quality, range, and the ability to interpret and perform the choral repertoire. The director’s capacity to properly assess a singer's ability to perform well a variety of skills, such as various vocal techniques, articulation, and sight-reading proficiency forms the core of this evaluation. 

2. Musical Sensitivity and Interpretation
Apart from technical proficiency, an essential aspect is the capacity to interpret music emotionally and artistically. Evaluating a singer's musical sensitivity, phrasing, dynamics, and the ability to convey the intended emotions within the music is crucial. These skills significantly affect the overall artistic delivery of the choir. 

3. Leadership and Teamwork 
Section leaders in a choir are not only strong vocalists but also act as leaders within their vocal sections. Identifying individuals who possess leadership qualities can support and guide fellow singers and encourage cooperation and unity within the section is key. Effective communication and a supportive attitude towards peers are vital attributes. 

A Balanced Evaluation Process 

1. Objective Criteria Through Auditions 
Objective evaluation criteria, often conducted through auditions or vocal assessments, serve as a fair method to determine section leaders. Auditions typically cover vocal exercises, sight-reading tasks, and performances of specific choral repertoire, ensuring an objective approach to the selection process. 

Another way to evaluate the abilities of potential candidates is for the director to spread the choir out as much as possible, and allow for walking space between clusters of singers. This will allow the director to wander among them to better hear how the singers are performing while singing. The song would need to be one that would need very little direction, perhaps one that they had rehearsed well previously. 

2. Subjective Assessment and Personal Observations 
While auditions provide an objective measure, subjective observations during rehearsals, sectionals, and other choir activities offer valuable insights. These interactions provide the director with an understanding of a singer's work ethic, responsiveness to feedback, commitment, and the ability to positively influence peers within the section. 

This could also include a short questionnaire for each choral member in which they could nominate one or more section leaders and describe the qualifications of their nominees. 

Fostering a Supportive and Inclusive Environment 

1. Transparent Communication 
It is essential for the director to maintain open and honest communication throughout the selection process. When the director explains the criteria used for choosing section leaders and provides constructive feedback to everyone involved, it fosters trust and understanding among choir members. Open dialogue encourages singers to consider the qualifications involved and motivates them to strive for improvement. 

The only time that an air of mystery might be encouraged is when the director is doing the objective assessment by wandering among the singers. They will know that they are being critiqued, but they won’t know what criteria are being considered during that process. Their ignorance would benefit the assessment process because they could not put on an act for the director. 

2. Encouraging Growth and Mentorship
The role of a section leader should be viewed as an opportunity for growth and mentorship rather than just a title. Directors should encourage leaders to support and guide their section peers, offering assistance, and sharing their knowledge. Creating an environment that encourages collaboration and mutual learning is essential. 

Section leaders often have to lead by example. If needed, they should be able to move closer to a singer who may need help with a tricky bit of the part. They can also encourage or correct with a look, a wink or a nod. In some cases, a section leader may even offer to help another singer or singers outside of choral rehearsal. 

Balancing Leadership and Team Spirit 

1. Fostering a Culture of Leadership 
While section leaders hold leadership positions, It is crucial that they foster a culture where leadership is shared and includes everyone. The director should encourage the section leaders to help all choir members to take ownership of their vocal parts, offer ideas, and support each other. This tends to  promote a culture of collective leadership. 

2. Emphasizing the Value of Teamwork 
Although section leaders play an important role, the essence of a choir lies in its collective harmony. Emphasizing the significance of teamwork and collaboration, regardless of specific leadership roles, cultivates a sense of unity within the ensemble. The focus should be on creating a supportive, collaborative, and artistically driven environment. 

Conclusion Selecting section leaders within a choir is a many-sided process that demands a balance between musical proficiency and leadership skills. It's not just about identifying strong vocalists; it's about recognizing individuals who can lead, guide, and support their peers while fostering unity within the section. 

A successful choral director aims to create an environment where each singer feels valued and motivated to contribute to the collective musical experience. Through a comprehensive assessment, transparent communication, encouragement of growth, and an emphasis on both leadership and teamwork, the director can guide the choir towards a harmonious, artistically rich experience. Ultimately, the director's discretion in selecting section leaders plays a pivotal role in shaping a unified, musically accomplished, and supportive choral ensemble. 

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